Build Talent has been acquired by Riviera Partners
Search by operators
We started Build Talent to empower founders to make pivotal hires that achieve their missions and create value. Every partnership involves a unique, heuristic approach to find the best fit between our clients and candidates.
We know what great search is, and we know how to execute it. As former operators across startups, corporations and venture capital firms, we bring a unique vantage. We’ve executed these searches as internal operators. We’ve been consumers of prominent search firms. Most significantly, we understand the importance of pivotal hires because we’ve witnessed their impact firsthand.
Every search is treated uniquely; every search is a new canvas. Each company has distinctive goals and outcomes in mind when engaging a search partner. We begin by collaborating to define the profile that will best achieve those goals and outcomes. We employ heuristic methods to establish a landscape of the market and what it will bear. From there we get creative to find and deliver the best candidates.
Technology is constantly transforming our world. We gravitate to the vanguard of challenging ideas, new domains, novel science, and emerging innovation. A passion for continuous learning allows us to map nascent markets and present unique candidates aligned with a founder’s objectives. Currently we’re focused on the future of work, AI, robotics, and the intersection where technology meets biology and health.
We love connecting with new people. Helping founders navigate critical decisions is ingrained in our methodology. Hopefully we can work together to find the pivotal hire that helps achieve ambitious missions and create value.