Our annual conference experience designed to keep our community of University Recruiters, Early Career Talent Developers connected, inspired, and moving forward.

Set up to Scale: When, Why, and How to Grow Your Internship Program

Are you thinking about growing your internship program? For many early career talent leaders, scaling internships is a key initiative and area of focus. As your organization grows and demand for talent accelerates, early career programs are essential to building a healthy talent pipeline. But not every program should and is ready to scale.
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Are you thinking about growing your internship program? For many early career talent leaders, scaling internships is a key initiative and area of focus. As your organization grows and demand for talent accelerates, early career programs are essential to building a healthy talent pipeline. But not every program should and is ready to scale. Join Symba for a panel discussion to learn:

  • Why you should scale your program
  • When you should (and should not) scale your program
  • How to scale your program effectively

URx Conference, April  25–26, 2024

Experience the premier community event for talent management, workforce development, university & emerging talent recruiting. It’s where relationships deepen, partnerships are formed, and community moves us forward!

Speakers | Schedule | Venue 
