Tag: Diversity Recruiting

May 24
URx21: Student Panel featuring ColorStack and Rewriting the Code

A staple at every URx Conference, gain insights directly from the students you recruit.

Apr 07
URx Year 5 (Part 2)

Creating a New System for University and Early Career Recruiting. In part 1, I talked about the changing role of UR Leaders and teams and what that means for the current system as the early career recruiting industry continues to evolve. Now let's focus on the system.

Dec 17
Diversifying Pathways: 2021 Recruiting

Shanice Smith is a college student studying Emerging Media Technology at CUNY New York City College of Technology. Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to speak on a student panel at the URx Global Leaders Summit to address my experiences in remote recruitment and internships. Excited to make a difference, I jumped at the chance […]

Dec 09
Enabling Change – How Do Talent Leaders Overcome the Barries to Reaching and Engaging More Diverse Talent

https://vimeo.com/513610872 Nicky Garcea(Cappfinity) & Author Lindsey Pollak

Aug 06
InternHacks Student Stories

The impact of InternHacks exceeded our expectations. 170 students representing over 20+ colleges made beautiful and impactful projects and we're so proud of them!

May 21
Announcing InternHacks and URx Talent Development Program

There’s a saying in sports. “Go to where the puck is going to be, not where it is. The message is that if you go to where the puck is, when you get there it's gone. We’re launching two programs to help students prepare today for opportunities tomorrow.