Conducting Remote Interviews Successfully CAROLYNN CHOI, University Technical Recruiter, SquareINBAR GAM, University Recruiting Program Manager, DatabricksNURAY MOLLA, Sr. Recruiter, University Recruiting, TeslaPAUL BAUER, University Recruiter, Tableau SoftwareTIGRAN SLOYAN, Co-Founder & CEO, CodeSignal
Watch this panel from URx Forward 2020 featuring the Heads of Talent and Technical Recruiting at some of the worlds most innovative companies.
Inclusive Recruiting is a culture that must be cultivated from RC to Head of Talent, watch a conversation between Kathy Gross, Director of Inclusion Recruiting at ServiceNow & Elizabeth Ames, CEO of WomenPM moderated by Ashley Scott, IMC Trading.
The health and safety of everyone involved with URx20 is our number one priority. We have decided to cancel URx20, we will be hosting URx Forward, a live online event instead.
An opportunity to build a talent acquisition ecosystem that works for everyone, together.
A look back at an incredible experience at the 2019 URx Conference.
The main stage at URx19 is anchoring an impressive programming lineup. We are excited to share the amazing sessions featuring leaders in the areas of early talent recruiting & development representing trailblazers and passionate visionaries from industry, education, and everything in between! Check out these two sessions that have created quite the buzz amongst our registered […]
Announcing our URx Conference 2019 keynote speaker; Dr. Poppy Crum, Chief Scientist Dolby Laboratories.
We’re so excited to officially start the 3-month countdown to URx19! As the conference chair, it has been great working with other members of the growing URx community. URx19, our 3rd annual URx conference is just around the corner! Thanks to Jess Boyd (URx19 Program Committee Lead) and the program committee we have a great lineup of amazing […]
Looking back on an amazing second year and looking forward on to whats next.