New Recruiter On-boarding Template

An 30/60/90 goal based onboarding template for new recruiters.

The first 90 Days for a new recruiter are critical to success, having a clear plan to onboard and set up a new teammate for success is imperative!

30 days

❏ Can articulate candidate process for all their core, open roles
❏ Have met and arranged standing 1:1s with all their client direct hiring managers
❏ They are aware of and are actively updating ATS and any team pipeline docs
❏ Have been invited to and are contributing at all recruiting team meetings
❏ Comfortable w/ overall company pitch
❏ Owns 2-3 positions end to end (inbound pipeline, sourcing, process, debriefs & offers)
❏ Fluent on how their client organization(s) are laid out e.g. what are the open roles and
who are the hiring managers
❏ Actively sourcing on 2 to 3 open positions
❏ Attending weekly resume reviews with their manager to review candidate quality and
❏ Shadowing:
3 to 4 debriefs per week
4 recruiter screens per week for first 3 weeks
❏ Are doing at least 2 reverse shadow screens per week
❏ New recruiter is working with their RC/RC team and has shadowed scheduling process
30 day Goals:
❏ 10 outreach per day (50 outreach in week over course of month should equate to
1 hire)
❏ 5 recruiters screens per week
❏ 2 on-sites

60 days

❏ Works with their manager to build out: interview panels and evaluation plans & rubrics
❏ Works smoothly with your RC on a regular flow of phone and onsite interviews
❏ Leads debrief sessions for candidates that come onsite
❏ Have met senior members of your client team for 1:1s to collect referrals and learn about
their orgs
❏ Writes JDs in the style and voice of company jobs page
❏ Maintains good ATS hygiene (stages are promptly moved, candidate notes are up to
60 day Goals:
❏ At least 2 offers extended
❏ At least 1 hire
❏ 4 onsites from days 30-60 (3 onsites = 1 offer)

❏ Continue good sourcing habits: ~50 outreaches per week, 10 recruiter screens
per week
❏ Maintaining good ATS hygiene

90 days

❏ Ability to take on new roles that we’ve never hired before
❏ Can build build out: interview panels and evaluation plans & rubrics with minimal
❏ Can take a new role from nothing to active-interviews
❏ Ability to strategize and run a passive search
❏ Still maintaining good ATS hygiene
❏ Hitting pipeline targets (outreach, recruiter screens, phone interviews, onsites)
❏ Averaging 5 to 6 onsites per month
❏ Extending an offer about 1x per week
❏ Have begun to meet with hiring leaders outside of your core organization (for instance

90 day Goals:

❏ 4 offers extended from days 60-90
❏ 6 onsites from days 60-90
❏ 2 hires total
❏ Sourcing pipeline remains consistent
❏ ATS hygiene remains strong
❏ Maintain 1:1s with client managers

Draft Quarterly Goals for end of 90 day plan

3 hires per month / 4 offers extend
Maintain volume of sourced candidates
Maintain 1:1s with client managers
Maintain good ATS hygiene

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